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A member registered Aug 29, 2016

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(1 edit)

its already possible to do without the added functionality. I put a picture of my 'all mission' ai on, though you will only be able to see the macrostructure because of the resolution.

im on mobile, haven't had the issue you describe.

I noticed that at times when i created a bunch of matches that my leaderboard score would drop horrifically, like from 1400s to 1200s but when i searched my log, i couldn't find any actual matches where i had lost more than 10 or 15 points which should have been outweighed by my other victories. Then a bit later, i would be back up to approximately where i expected to be. Its possible that I made so many matches that I couldn't see the ones i was losing in the log, and it got corrected by high value victories that i also couldn't see (which was my original conclusion) but it seems like the chance of that happening would be low.

anyway, just figured i would add my experience on the off chance that it is relevant.

for the accuracy, are those true numbers or illustrative numbers?

i.e. if you are halfway between medium and long range, is the accuracy 30%?

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7 wonders seems to be mostly a combat level. I haven't seen any good ai's that don't focus on combat. Even if you score 3 points, if your bots die, there are enough resources to come back. I saw one ai that would pick up resources in an attempt to make my bots focus it while his other bots took advantage, but that didn't work out. it may have worked on a slightly weaker ai, the fight was close and I'm #2 on the leader board so i like to think my combat bots are pretty well tuned. But I still consider that a combat focused strategy.

I have seen good ai's on ambidextrous that take a balanced approach. I had to stop playing that map since I was more interested in the optimal combat build